SesMo Detector Introduction

SesMo Detectors Introduction 

During 2020 the SesMo Detector family underwent a significant upgrade, software
and hardware were improved. As of January 2021 אhe improved detectors on the shelf.

SesMo Detector Introduction explains the sensor theory and main features
The SesMo detector is high quality, unique security detector developed
and manufactured by Av-Gad Systems.
SesMo production is running since year 2008 with great success.

There are over ten SesMo models available, each targeted to specific application.
SesMo detector is an advanced seismic detector for security provided in certain models
according to protected site and customer specifications.

The SesMo react to all types of attack tools known today: Oxygen lances, steel
and diamond bit drills, hydraulic pressing tools and explosives, digging detection.

The SesMo integrates three technologies for an efficient detection:
Seismic (Bimorph electronic sensor), light and heat.
The SesMo is well known as seismic sensor for vault protection.
SesMo Detector Introduction do not covers all of SesMo models (some
not on the web).

SKU: About SesMo

SesMo Detectors Introduction 

During 2020 the SesMo Detector family underwent a significant upgrade, software
and hardware were improved. As of January 2021 אhe improved detectors on the shelf.

SesMo Detector Introduction explains the sensor theory and main features
The SesMo detector is high quality, unique security detector developed
and manufactured by Av-Gad Systems.
SesMo detectors production is running since year 2008 with great success.

There are over ten SesMo models available, each targeted to specific
SesMo detector is an advanced seismic detector for security provided
in certain models according to protected site and customer specifications.

The SesMo react to all types of attack tools known today: Oxygen lances, steel
and diamond bit drills, hydraulic pressing tools and explosives, digging detection.

The SesMo integrates three technologies for an efficient detection:
Seismic (Bimorph electronic sensor), light and heat.
The SesMo is well known as seismic sensor for vault protection.
SesMo Detector Introduction do not covers all of SesMo models (some
not on the web).

SesMo Most popular applications

SesMo detector used to protect bank and media safes, strong rooms,
weapons rooms, automatic ticket machines (ATM), vending machines,
food & drinks machines, walls protection, under ground floor and
ceilings, cash dispensers, fuel and gas containers, seismic
switch for gas stations in case of earth quake and more applications.

SesMo most used in Jewelry shops, high security organizations, banks and
government agencies.
The SesMo integrates three sensors in one detector with signal processing by an
advanced customized ASIC based electronic chip.
The SesMo is compatible with any security and burglar alarm. SesMo
Gas used for gas valves automatic shut off and Elevators cut off (requires
testing prior to applying).
For vault safe door protection refer to the SES_2T sensor

The SesMo is incorporates Bimorph (seismic) sensor covering 2.5 – 7 meters/square
(depends on the applied material), plus heat and light detectors.
The SesMo Standard is an economical version in ABS case, 12V operating power and
relay output. Other models are available for outdoor installation, 24V and OEM ones.

Simple setup
The SesMo provides fast and easy interfacing for most required application
Contains three LEDs indication
One LED for each sensor
Simple DIP Eight Switches Array for performance setting:
Seismic Sensitivity, Seismic Pulse Count, Enable/Disable for each detection technology
Tamper Switch single or dual included for detecting cover opening and sabotage

Main Features
High security detector
Useful in many application
Fits industrial applications
Simple connection
Easy and fast setup
High reliability
Easy and Fast installation

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